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The Journey

with Jesus


"...deep within us all is an innate longing, a desire for something more,

something beyond ourselves. 
We hear little of this in our Western American upbringing as so many of us try to fill this longing with something else. There are many gods to choose from; wealth, power, prestige, popularity, academic or business success, alcohol, drugs, sex or you name it. We all have our gods that we sought thinking it would slake this innate thirst.


I didn't know that the longing I felt was the longing of the creature for union with her Creator. Once we awaken and recognize the desire for something more is the prayer of the Spirit in us

and set out on this journey we are drawn along toward

the ultimate goal of Oneness with All, the true God."


Joann Nesser; From Certainty to Uncertainty: A Journey from Belief to Faith





"THE JOURNEY WITH JESUS" - Stages in Spiritual Growth

Beginning Thursday - Jan. 14th, 2021



     We are all on a spiritual journey our entire lives from separation and distance from God - to hopefully experiencing oneness and union with Him. This is the Good News! and our greatest joy, yet also seemingly are most arduous or confusing task.


     We encounter obstacles, transitions and unforeseen walls during our journey.  Things change as we grow in our spiritual life, even our inclinations towards certain practices & our prayers that used to be helpful may dry up.  These changes can often leave us feeling confused, bewildered and alone if we do not have any understanding of what is happening.



    In our time together we will read, learn and discuss some education about these different stages in the spiritual journey.  We'll look to the Holy Spirit as He teaches, guides & comforts us through the Scriptures.  We will also look to spiritual writers-especially St. Teresa of Avila & John of the Cross- and others that have gone before us.  These writers have graciously shed some light on the trail and given a sort of roadmap for us as we follow Jesus.  Each week we will engage in (not just talking about but- practice experiencing) a contemplative and listening practice together.


     We also hope to find solidarity and encouragement, no matter where we are on the path, from the fellowship of one another.... all as we gather around our shared desire for MORE of Christ, while gathering in His Holy name and presence.



gathering TIME:
9:30-11:30am CST (with a short break)
gathering DATES:
Ten Thursday Mornings (10 gatherings)
Beginning January 14th thru March 25th, 2021
(no class Feb. 18th due to the Lenten Retreat)
We will be utilizing the online platform - Zoom 
$150 for full payment
     or make three monthly payments of $50 (Jan, Feb. Mar)
And if you are experiencing a financial hardship during this time, please let us know as we often have scholarships available.  Please don't let the fee keep you away!
​(a minimum of 8 attendees is required to hold this course)
suggested MATERIALS:
1) Purchase the books
Mansions of the Heart: Exploring the Seven Stages of Spiritual Growth - by R. Thomas Ashbrook​,  
2) and if able, purchase The Interior Castle- by St Teresa of Avila
acquire the books on your own prior to class
OPTIONAL READING (will not be covered in class)
Collected Works of St John of the Cross
Mansions of the Heart, study guide (is not needed for class)
please Register today!

A roadmap for spiritual formation

"In Mansions of the Heart, author R. Thomas Ashbrook begins with his personal story of frustration and confusion while serving as a pastor of a church. He tells of his discovering of the path of spiritual transformation and offers seekers a way to move forward on their own spiritual paths.


Written for anyone who wants to develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God, Mansions of the Heart offers a step-by-step guide through a spiritual-formation road map based on Teresa of Avila's seven mansions. This spiritual classic reveals various phases of spiritual formation, for which Ashbrook offers a personal guide to spiritual transformation.  The book debunks commonly held myths that lead to spiritual dead ends and describes a clear pathway to a deepening love relationship with God. The book also offers church leaders and followers a process for helping others in their faith communities grow as disciples of Christ."



What if I don't feel like I can do all the reading- would I still benefit from coming to the class?

Yes! We understand that each individual is at a unique place in their journey.  Please feel free to come as you are, however you are.  I believe you will benefit from the group discussions & encouragement and the contemplative practices we will do together.

































“That Christ may make His home in your hearts

through faith.”

—Ephesians 3:17






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