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Morning Prayer Reflections


Join us each morning online  using Zoom, at 8am, Monday through Friday, for a short guided meditation.

Last session will be Monday June 1st.
It's been a pleasure!


Some of you have asked for various resources that I've used during the prayer times.  I will try and post them here.  I hope to use a variety of spiritual practices each week.


  • Week Eight: Pentecost. Mosaic Bible Commentary, Billy Graham's, Andrew Murray books on the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit The Shy Member of the Trinity by Bruner & Hordern

  • Week Seven: Ascension. Mosaic Bible Commentary, Randy Alcorn's Heaven 

  • Week Six: Discernment. The Way of Discernment by Elizabeth Liebert / Henri Nouwen Discernment; Reading the Signs of Daily Life / What’s Your Decision? How to make choices with confidence and clarity. An Ignatian Approach to Decision Making. Authors: Sparough, Manney, Hipskind

  • Week Five we tackled a difficult topic of "if God is good, why is there evil & suffering?" We used a variety of resources: Randy Alcorn's If God is Good, C.S. Lewis The Problem of Pain & Grief Observed, Chuck Colson's Wide Angle; Framing your Worldview

  • Week Four we focused on Different Prayer forms. Using a variety of resources. Adele Calhoun's Spiritual Discipline Handbook was a favorite

  • Week Three's focus has been on our 5 Senses & Spiritual senses. We've used a variety of Resources: Awaken Your Senses by Bill and Booram / Sensing God by Roger Ferlo / Taste & See by Moyer / Contemplative Vision by Juliet Benner

  • Week Two...Most of the readings and practice for our second week using the Examen have come from "Reimagining the Ignatian Examen" by Mark Thibodeaux, SJ

  • Week One: Holy Week. Many of the devotional readings during Holy week came from "The Little Way of Lent; meditations in the spirit of St. Therese of Lisieux"

  • My new favorite YouTube Channel which I have on when I need a break from the news, and was on when you arrived online. 

  • I have grown to appreciate greatly the daily office/fixed hours of prayer.  Here is a short post on why its so valuable.

  • My church’s (Church of the Resurrection) link to traditional 7am Morning & 5pm Evening Prayer.

  • How to use Zoom and where to register.

  • Here is a word doc with the format & outline for the Daily Office









Many of you have asked how you can contribute to help these morning reflections continue.....

Thank you!







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