an ORDINARY CHRISTIAN WOMAN aka Cecilia T. Whitacre
(Acts 4:13, 19:11)
Morning Prayer Reflections
Join us each morning online using Zoom, at 8am, Monday through Friday, for a short guided meditation.
Last session will be Monday June 1st.
It's been a pleasure!
Some of you have asked for various resources that I've used during the prayer times. I will try and post them here. I hope to use a variety of spiritual practices each week.
Week Eight: Pentecost. Mosaic Bible Commentary, Billy Graham's, Andrew Murray books on the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit The Shy Member of the Trinity by Bruner & Hordern
Week Seven: Ascension. Mosaic Bible Commentary, Randy Alcorn's Heaven
Week Six: Discernment. The Way of Discernment by Elizabeth Liebert / Henri Nouwen Discernment; Reading the Signs of Daily Life / What’s Your Decision? How to make choices with confidence and clarity. An Ignatian Approach to Decision Making. Authors: Sparough, Manney, Hipskind
Week Five we tackled a difficult topic of "if God is good, why is there evil & suffering?" We used a variety of resources: Randy Alcorn's If God is Good, C.S. Lewis The Problem of Pain & Grief Observed, Chuck Colson's Wide Angle; Framing your Worldview
Week Four we focused on Different Prayer forms. Using a variety of resources. Adele Calhoun's Spiritual Discipline Handbook was a favorite
Week Three's focus has been on our 5 Senses & Spiritual senses. We've used a variety of Resources: Awaken Your Senses by Bill and Booram / Sensing God by Roger Ferlo / Taste & See by Moyer / Contemplative Vision by Juliet Benner
Week Two...Most of the readings and practice for our second week using the Examen have come from "Reimagining the Ignatian Examen" by Mark Thibodeaux, SJ
Week One: Holy Week. Many of the devotional readings during Holy week came from "The Little Way of Lent; meditations in the spirit of St. Therese of Lisieux"
My new favorite YouTube Channel which I have on when I need a break from the news, and was on when you arrived online.
I have grown to appreciate greatly the daily office/fixed hours of prayer. Here is a short post on why its so valuable.
My church’s (Church of the Resurrection) link to traditional 7am Morning & 5pm Evening Prayer.
Here is a word doc with the format & outline for the Daily Office
Many of you have asked how you can contribute to help these morning reflections continue.....
Thank you!