an ORDINARY CHRISTIAN WOMAN aka Cecilia T. Whitacre
(Acts 4:13, 19:11)
The Water Lily Pond, 1899 by Claude Monet
"God is looking for those with whom He can do the impossible– what a pity that we plan only the things that we can do by ourselves."
A W Tozer
A New Year - Day of Reflection - "AWAKEN"
Saturday January 11th, 2020
“Seeking a path more purposeful than accumulating wealth, holding power, winning at competition, or securing a career, I had started to understand that it is indeed possible to live a life other than one’s own. Do I have moments when it is clear -if I have eyes to see- that the life I am living is not the same as the life that wants to live in me.” What am I meant to do? Who am I meant to be?”
- Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer
The New Year usually brings with it a time of introspection, as we pause to ponder how we are doing in our lives and where we are headed. Those infamous ‘New Year’s resolutions’ are made. While doing that isn’t entirely bad, often Christ followers forget to include God in their reflections and future planning.
This year try something different, take some reflective moments to look back and forward with the Lord, by setting aside time to attend this day retreat. Take a moment to pause and acknowledge what you've accomplished together with the Lord this past year. While breathing in deeply this present moment in His Presence. Allow the Holy Spirit to shine His light, His love and to reveal the wisdom and insights only He can bring you, as you look forward into 2020!
" The simple believes everything,
but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Prv 14:15
What’s included:
The day will include times of guided scripture meditations, prayer, an art project, music, spiritual exercises, group discussions, and time for your own reflection and quiet with the Lord.
Live Music. We will be blessed to have classically trained vocalist, lead our times of worship.
Coffee & Tea will be available when you arrive. Lunch will be included and light refreshments during the day.
An optional afternoon session of Holy yoga; with quieting, gentle movement, stretching, breath work and body awareness.
Handouts and materials included. And leave with a self-created piece of art!
Cost: $75 per person
(limited scholarship funds available, please don't let the cost keep you from coming- reach out & share your need. Discounted rate offered for College Students, please inquire)
Location: Church of The Resurrection. 935 W Union Ave- Wheaton IL
This event is open to both women and men, and younger folks, age 16 and up.
9-9:30am Registration, Coffee, Greetings and Fellowship
9:30am Morning Prayer/Preparing our Hearts
9:45am Meditation One: Looking Back -Where have You been?/Acknowledgment & Gratitude of the Heart
10:45am Break
11am Mediation Two: Becoming Present - Where are you today?/DeCluttering the Mind & Becoming Present
12pm Lunch
1pm Mid-day Prayer
1:15pm Mediation Three: Looking Forward -Where are you heading?/Choices of the Soul & Our Imagination
2-3pm Time for personal Reflection and Listening (Quiet on your own time. Nature walk - weather permitting)
3pm Mediation Four: EmBodied Living-a Holistic Spirituality/Who Are You? Mind, Body, Heart & Soul
4pm - Closing Prayer, Next Steps & a New Year's Benediction
(schedule and outline subject to change prior)
What to Bring: Your bible, your journal, an open heart and a yoga type mat for an optional time of light stretching & gentle movement.
“If you don’t take responsibility for living your God-given life, it will not get lived.
There is no one else in the world like you. No one!
One of the greatest ways you honor and glorify God is through embracing your unrepeatable life.”
― Geri Scazzero, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
To Register & Make Payment Click below:
To register click here to let us know your'e coming or send an email -and then make payment above
using Paypal- or avoid the paypal fees and use: ApplePay, Venmo or Chase QuickPay,
or mail a check. Fees are non-refundable.
Please Register by Jan 4th!
This is not a church event, but is hosted by AOCW at the church
and facilitated by Cecilia T. Whitacre
“If you aim at nothing
you will hit it every time.”
Zig Ziglar