an ORDINARY CHRISTIAN WOMAN aka Cecilia T. Whitacre
(Acts 4:13, 19:11)
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Testimonials from the Retreats - Attendees said...
Thank you so much for this retreat and all the other things you offer to enhance our spiritual life. You have such a gift and a splendid presence that welcomes a deeper connection with God. I am grateful for your generosity of spirit !!! Words can't express my gratitude! -A
Thank you so much for offering this incredible retreat! You have such a gentle, calming spirit that helps me settle into my soul. This was perfect for this season and time we are living in. Lot's to bring into my life as practices and thoughts toward Jesus. -anonymous
Your sensitivity to the Lord's leading has been evident throughout the weekend. The meditations/prayers you choose in our time together always met me right where I was & helped prepare my heart to receive even more from the Lord. Your tender responses to our weakness helped each of us with being known- a crucial first step. Thanks for making yourself available to be God's gift to us in our journeys. -M
Thank you so much for leading this retreat. Your peaceful presence was really helpful over the weekend. You have a way of leading that is supportive, unassuming, gentle, and loving. It created a space for the rest of us to open up, listen and reflect, which I think is so important. Others are drawn to the Lord's presence through you. -A
Cecilia, the retreats you create are magical and have created space that I never would have found on my own or knew existed with the Lord. The tone in your voice elicits a calmness and peace within me as we are connecting with God. I love how you bring in the arts like; music, artwork, dance & movement, nature, literature, crafts, and poetry. You also have a way of taking complex and difficult topics, invite us to open honestly, question what we've been taught and to then listen to God, our real teacher- I'm always blown away by what He says and shows me. -C
Cecilia has a beautiful calm about her that makes being at her retreats a real joy! - anonymous
This was my first retreat and I was nervous coming because I didn't know what to expect. Then when I found out that there was a whole day of silence where I wasn't talking (at least out loud), I almost freaked out. But I have to say that I am so very grateful now. It was the best day ever! Closing my mouth helped me to hear so much of what I was missing. What a gift to not have to talk to others and make small talk all day and worry about all that other stuff. Something I thought I would hate and never be able to do, has now become one of my favorite things! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! - J
I absolutely loved the silent retreat. It has been life changing for me. I was so low when I got there. I left feeling an indescribable peace and I am still carrying that feeling today. Having time carved out specifically to be silent and hear God was such a gift. I loved the structure of the weekend. I also loved the freedom to do my own thing. For me though, I didn't want to miss anything. I was starving for knowledge, for wisdom, for a Word and for community...even though we were silent the group felt so supportive. Cecilia, you have such a gift of warmth and comfort. You are a wonderful teacher and facilitator. - L
Cecilia is like an angel, beautiful inside and out. She walks with Jesus so deeply that it helps us see where and how to keep in step with Him. -V
Testimonials from Classes - Attendees said....
Thank you Cecilia for your wonderful teaching, commitment, insight & support. -R
Thank you for making this course a safe space to be honest in how I'm feeling, rather than being pressured to act a certain way. -P
I am so blessed to have met you Cecilia. Thank you for teaching this class, to learn and build joy with you. -R
Cecilia, Thank you for making a place of Belonging for all of us! My heart is full with the Love we all share. -D
Dear Cecilia, Thank you for the love, heart, and time you pour into this class. Your wisdom, gentleness, vulnerability, and most of all your walk by the spirit allows God to work in powerful ways to bring joy and healing. You are such a delight and a refreshing. -J
I love how transparent you are willing to be with us. Thank you for your hard earned wisdom and willingness to share it. -H
Dear Cecilia, You are such a blessing! I cannot thank you enough for all you do. These classes have really changed my life! I know how much work it takes to do all this. May you always be blessed. -I
Cecilia, It has been so apparent that God has used this course in your life. You have been a great role model. Your enthusiasm is contagious. thank you. -S
Thank you for always being "present" with the class, and putting so much reflection and spirited awareness into the details. -J
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with all of us as we grow through your openness. -C
Cecilia Thank you for leading these classes. They are helping me work through a lot, and to mature in my obedience to Jesus. I appreciate your calm demeanor and honesty. They help center me. -A
Thanks for your wisdom, care and kindness with us! Your years of experience are evident. - T
I have found Spiritual Direction helpful especially during this last year as my relationship with the Lord has felt in a state of flux. Its been helpful for me to be encouraged in being where I am at, sometimes receiving ideas for things to do or apply, and also some modeling in listening to the Lord together to bring in my own times with him. -S
Having a set time for Spiritual direction each month helps me to know I'll have some time to stop and listen, and also that there is an upcoming resource that I can make mental notes of things that I might like to talk about with someone that wouldn't seem exactly right to talk about in other venues. Also talking with someone that has experience with people going through all kinds of different things in their walk with the Lord.
I think Spiritual direction is valuable for everyone to have safe places and good listeners that the Lord uses. -A
Spiritual direction is like couples therapy for me and Jesus. -J
Spiritual direction is one person helping another person become more like Christ through prayerful listening and attending to the Spirit. Our sessions are always spirit filled. -S
Spiritual direction for me is like someone companioning me as I unearth, discover, open myself to Jesus' calling. Having worked in the church, I was immersed in spiritual activities, but now that I'm retired spiritual direction has become a touchstone space where I can come and talk about God. It is mine time to focus on me and God. -F
Spiritual direction is meeting regularly with someone who supports you in your relationship with God. -J
Photos from past Retreats...